PHASE 2: Watershed Evaluation & Stormwater Master Plan Recommendations
This phase, completed in 2022, continued the work performed in Phase 1 evaluating each of the parish’s 11 watersheds to determine flood risks and mitigation, engaged the public, reviewed ordinances and drafted the Stormwater Master Plan. Phase 2 consisted of the following:
- Completed data collection & organization to understand the current stormwater systems: Nearly 550 miles of channel, over 1000 channel cross sections, 300 roadway crossings, and 75,000 subsurface drainage features were collected for input into hydraulic models
- Public outreach and agency coordination: Held public meetings with stakeholders and partners to gain feedback, as well as to present modeling results, identified projects, and ordinance revision recommendations.
- Assessing the hazards: Developed 12 HEC-RAS and 127 PCSWMM hydraulic models for existing and future conditions to determine the extents and causes of flooding.
- Assessed the problems that resulted from the hazards: Identified buildings and infrastructure impacted by flooding and their relative risk from existing and future conditions.
- Coordinated with the parish and key stakeholders to recommend updated criteria, guidance, and ordinances for addressing and reducing existing and potential future levels of flooding risk.
- Developed activities to mitigate the hazards: Performed concept level engineering and analysis on a preliminary list of over 350 projects for flood risk reduction as well as updated ordinances/regulations for future development resulting in Chapter 15 UDC updates.