


Implementation Framework


Watershed Evaluation & Stormwater Master Plan Recommendations


Development of 20-Year Stormwater Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)

The Stormwater Master Plan was developed in three phases, with each phase involving numerous activities. 

PHASE 1: Implementation Framework
This phase, now complete, included many activities and resulted in the development of the Implementation Framework that provided the summary of initial work and detailed the next steps to be completed in Phases 2 and 3. 

  • Developed a regional model
  • Conducted a visioning workshop with key Parish staff
  • Completed a preliminary risk analyses
  • Completed applications for Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
  • Drafted Stormwater Master Plan Implementation Framework document 


PHASE 2: Watershed Evaluation & Stormwater Master Plan Recommendations
This phase, completed in 2022, continued the work performed in Phase 1 evaluating each of the parish’s 11 watersheds to determine flood risks and mitigation, engaged the public, reviewed ordinances and drafted the Stormwater Master Plan. Phase 2 consisted of the following:

  • Completed data collection & organization to understand the current stormwater systems: Nearly 550 miles of channel, over 1000 channel cross sections, 300 roadway crossings, and 75,000 subsurface drainage features were collected for input into hydraulic models  
  • Public outreach and agency coordination: Held public meetings with stakeholders and partners to gain feedback, as well as to present modeling results, identified projects, and ordinance revision recommendations.
  • Assessing the hazards: Developed 12 HEC-RAS and 127 PCSWMM hydraulic models for existing and future conditions to determine the extents and causes of flooding.
  • Assessed the problems that resulted from the hazards: Identified buildings and infrastructure impacted by flooding and their relative risk from existing and future conditions.
  • Coordinated with the parish and key stakeholders to recommend updated criteria, guidance, and ordinances for addressing and reducing existing and potential future levels of flooding risk.
  • Developed activities to mitigate the hazards: Performed concept level engineering and analysis on a preliminary list of over 350 projects for flood risk reduction as well as updated ordinances/regulations for future development resulting in Chapter 15 UDC updates.


PHASE 3: Development of 20-Year Stormwater Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
This final phase combined all information from the various phases into one comprehensive Stormwater Master Plan document.

  • Developed and adopted final Stormwater Master Plan: Document detailed specific informed recommendations for ordinance and regulation changes that went into effect April 1, 2023, a prioritized list of 115 projects to address current and/or anticipated future flooding risks, and a maintenance plan strategy.
  • 20-Year Stormwater Capital Improvement Plan: Document included a list of 65 projects that were prioritized based on predetermined criteria.