Ward Creek is a drainage corridor that drains to Bayou Manchac and receives floodwaters from upstream waterways. An area of interest is where it crosses the Siegen Lane former bridge location. The current channel contains obstructions that are causing flow constrictions, resulting in increased flood risk to surrounding areas. This project focuses on removing the constrictions in Ward Creek at this location.
Siegen Lane Crossing at Ward Creek
Topographic Relief Map
Ward Creek Water Surface Profile showing drop in water surface profile with the project
The photos above show the current conditions of this section of Ward Creek. If left in this current condition, Ward Creek is expected to continue to experience reduced channel flow, and to flood areas upstream of this location. To avoid these damages, the project will focus on widening Ward Creek, which will increase channel flow and reduce flooding upstream of this location.
The total cost of this project is $1.8 million, with 100% of this funding from the FEMA Hazard Grant Mitigation Program. The channel widening of Ward Creek at Siegen Lane will protect areas upstream of this crossing from damaging flood waters. The increased channel width will reduce channel constrictions, reducing chances of backwater flooding occurring in areas upstream of these locations.