Mayor Broome Provides Update on EBR Stormwater Master Plan and Announces Ward Creek Widening Project at Siegen Lane
BATON ROUGE, LA – July 13, 2021 –Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome provided an update today on the East Baton Rouge Parish Stormwater Master Plan along with announcing a FEMA Hazard Mitigation project at Ward Creek and Siegen Lane. In 2017, Mayor Broome’s administration launched an initiative to create a comprehensive Stormwater Master Plan that would mitigate the flood risks for the citizens of East Baton Rouge Parish. The planning process began with collecting data to analyze the city-parish drainage system. To date, over 60,000 drainage structures have been identified and evaluated, and approximately 300 plus miles of channels have been surveyed. This data is being utilized to develop computerized models to determine how and where water flows during various rain events. Additionally, a GIS database was created of the identified drainage structures and their conditions, which is being used in real time by the city-parish to address and track maintenance issues.
Another component to address maintenance are funds from the American Rescue Plan. Currently, $20M is being used to address several drainage issues, many identified by 311 calls and the Stormwater Master Plan. The drainage improvements include storm drain cleanout, channel clearing & grubbing, roadside drainage cave-ins, roadside ditch cleaning, and lined-canal panel repairs. Since the Metro Council first approved the initiative on June 23, more than 360 storm drains have been cleaned with 264 tons of debris and sediment removed so far.
“Major drainage projects can never come fast enough and that’s why I continue to fight for even more flood relief in East Baton Rouge Parish,” said Mayor Broome. “Whether it’s our $20 Million Drainage Initiative happening right now or the larger capital projects that we continue to push forward–help is on the way!”
There are several capital projects underway that will seek to mitigate flood risk in East Baton Rouge Parish. These projects include:
· Six (6) FEMA approved Hazard Grant Mitigation Program Projects
· Two (2) Louisiana Watershed Initiative Projects
· Five Tributaries Project (East Baton Rouge Flood Risk Reduction Project)
One of the approved FEMA Hazard Grant Mitigation Program Projects is the widening of Ward Creek at Siegen Lane. The $1.8M project is fully funded through the federal program. It will consist of widening Ward Creek upstream and downstream of Siegen Lane. This will lead to a significant reduction in upstream flood water elevations on Ward Creek, Dawson Creek and Bayou Duplantier. The bottom of the existing channel will be widened to approximately 100 feet and sloped to match the upstream and downstream segments. The project length will be approximately 400 feet and include adjustments to existing drainage outlets and the addition of riprap bank protection.
The removal of the constriction will significantly reduce the flood water elevations upstream by as much as 2 feet for a 100-year rain event. It is expected to provide significant benefits as the proposed construction cost is low compared to the number of structures that will benefit.
After the Metro Council approves the design and engineering phase, followed by a round of federal approvals–the work to widen Ward Creek at Siegen Lane is estimated begin in the first half of 2022, taking about 6-8 months to complete.
The public is encouraged to sign up on the project website to receive updates by registering at www.stormwater.brla.gov.
Media inquiries
Mark Armstrong
Chief Communications Officer
Desk: 225-389-7957
Mobile: 225-505-2520
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