East Baton Rouge Parish Stormwater Master Plan Launches Website
Critical Hazard Mitigation Projects Underway
Baton Rouge, La. – July 27, 2020 – The East Baton Rouge Parish Stormwater Master Plan reached a milestone Monday with the announcement of the program’s website, which will serve as a resource of information for the public. The Stormwater Master Plan and 20-Year Capital Improvement Plan will be the City-Parish’s guiding resource in addressing our stormwater and drainage challenges.
Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome and consultant HNTB continue to work collecting adequate data on each of the 11 watersheds throughout East Baton Rouge Parish. The massive data collection effort is being implemented into sophisticated flood risk models to simulate and test various flooding events.
The project is integrating 311-call system data to understand what areas of concern have been identified and what solutions can be implemented. Certain areas throughout the parish are more prone to flooding during heavy rainstorms and understanding what causes that flooding will help plan for the future.
We are not waiting for the plan to be completed before we act. Over the last few months, as crews have been in your neighborhoods and across the parish, we have been able to use the data collected to address issues in near real time. And as the plan is fully developed over the coming months, we will continue to do so.
The program’s website will serve as a resource of information for the public about the overall approach to developing the Stormwater master plan. The web address is stormwater.brla.gov
The website contains watershed maps, planning phases, a platform to leave comments on specific areas of concerns and a sign-up for updates. This site will be a primary hub of information for this project.
The Stormwater Master Plan is one of many Hazard Mitigation projects currently underway. Mayor Broome instructed HNTB to identify flood risk mitigation projects throughout the Parish that would provide meaningful benefit to our communities.
Over 50 projects were evaluated and the City-Parish submitted 24 applications to FEMA for consideration. 10 remain under remain under review.
To date, $26 million has been awarded and an additional $58 million has been allocated to the City-Parish.
The current approved stormwater/drainage/flood risk reduction projects are:
- Port Hudson Pride Road Bank Stabilization along Comite River valued at $3.2 million
- Hurricane Creek Slope Paving near Plank Road valued at $1.9 million
- New bridges at Hundred Oaks & Broussard on Dawson Creek valued at $4.4 million
- Removal of channel restriction in Ward Creek at Siegen Lane valued at $1.4 million
- Box culvert replacement on Harrelson Lateral at Old Hammond Highway $1 million
- Stormwater Master Plan valued at $15 million
Media inquiries
Mark Armstrong
Chief Communications Officer
Desk: 225-389-7957
Mobile: 225-505-2520
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